Call for Judges
Judges are asked to donate two (2) hours of their time to offer live feedback on a musical performance. Judges will be featured on the website, in emails, and during one live broadcast.
Today — Fri, Jul 3rd
Any Chicago musician can register as a performer. During this time, people will be able to vote for their top 12. A $3 donation is required to cast a vote. One vote per person.
Weekly Events
Wed, Jul 8th — Wed, Aug 12th at 8pm
The 12 musicians with the most votes will have an opportunity to perform in an elimination style competition over the course of 6-weeks. Guest judges & sponsors will be assigned one Wednesday during this time period.
Be a judge for this event
We ask that you help promote the event on your social media or through any email distribution lists. You will need to join a Zoom meeting on your designated night to give your opinion of the performances.